My Websites

Fuzzy Matching over Geospatial Data in Elasticsearch


Prototype to use Fuzzy Logic over Geospatial Data from OpenStreetMaps

  • Deployed on Cloudflare Workers (Event driven compute)
  • Services are written in Javascript, using Cloudflare Worker KV Storage for caching and ElasticSearch for free text search. The user interface uses the ReactJS framework.

Color Ninja: Color Palettes and Designs


Built for fun, to explore HEX Color Palettes and design inspiration

  • Built with AstroJS and preact
  • Deployed on AWS, using Cloudfront, Lambdas@Edge and S3

Personal website to write content on the topics of Quantitative Engineering and Software Engineering. Designed to be clean and fast. No adverts or cookies!

  • Hugo Blogging Engine, posts are written in Markdown and commited to Github
  • Invokes multiple AWS services to build and present the content on a new commit
    1. Webhooks trigger an AWS Lambda to pull the content and build the static files
    2. The output is uploaded to S3 for static hosting
    3. Cloudfront provides global distribution and caching
